WRF Model experiments overestimated the nighttime surface UHI during summertime but underestimated its magnitude during the wintertime period. The MP_PBL2 experiment modeled a (31-day) mean surface UHI of 6.0C at 2200 LT and 5.4C at 0100 LT during summertime, while the MP_PBL8 experiment computed a value of 6.5 and 6.1C, respectively. On the other hand, the MP_PBL2 experiment modeled a (31-day) mean surface UHI of 1.6C at 2200 LT and 1.5C at 0100 LT during wintertime, while the MP_PBL8 experiment simulated a magnitude of 1.8 and 1.6C, respectively. Based on these results reported for the Phoenix metropolitan area, it can be stated that the WRF Model overestimates (underestimates) to some extent the nocturnal summertime (wintertime) surface UHI compared to MODIS observations. Furthermore, MODIS detected a clear morning surface urban cool island during both summer- and wintertime periods, which demonstrates that the semiarid landscape surrounding metro Phoenix warms at greater rates than the urban complex after sunrise, a statement reported previously for metro Phoenix during summer (see e.g., Georgescu et al. 2011) and for other metropolitan areas such as Mexico City (see e.g., Cui and De Foy 2012).
G Queen 2011 Summer Msg Sixis
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